The Sainsbury Singers presented a brand new musical, ‘Love Online‘, on 31 October-3 November 2012 at Leighton Park Theatre, Reading.
Love Online is an old-fashioned tale of boy-meets-girl, with a 21st-Century, virtual twist. A musical of laptop love and sweet talk, which still winds up with a clinch and a clutch of happy endings.
Written by Andy Milburn and Nia Williams,The Sainsbury Singers was delighted to welcome Andy as Musical Director.
“The Sainsbury Singers are a fantastic musical theatre group and have really captured the essence of this comedy musical,” Andy stated.
Principals (in order of appearance)
- Sam Hannah Wyard
- Joe Sean Faulkner
- Glenda Makepeace Tricia Goodchild
- Postman Brian Bretney
- Dudley Matt Smith
- Evangelist Michael Schult
- Cath Natalie Rouse
- The Office Girls Lorraine Cox, Emma Prince,Emma Reeves
- Squiggles Jackie Stoffels
- Rex Chris Howard
- Louise Sara El-Hanfy
- Clark Chris Faulkner
- Sophie Catherine Hannan
- Gallery guards Brian Bretney, Michael Schult, Chris Thomas
- Salsa Instructor Lesley Vought
- Dancing ‘Glenda’ and ‘Howard’ Sara El-Hanfy, Chris Thomas
- Heathwood Rob Latimer
- Madrid Louis Quelch
- Speed dating soloists Jessamy Vincent, Chris Thomas, Emma Reeves, Chris Howard, Lesley Vought, Chris Faulkner, Sara El-Hanfy, Michael Schult, Catherine Hannan
- Maitre D’ Brian Bretney
- Waiters Godfrey Chigona, Chris Faulkner, Chris Howard, Michael Schult, Matt Smith, Chris Thomas
- ‘Till Sunday’ soloists Jessamy Vincent, Michael Schult, Sara El-Hanfy
Chorus of Commuters, Art Lovers, Salsa Dancers, Speed Daters, Shoppers
Brian Bretney, Godfrey Chigona, Lorraine Cox, Sara El-Hanfy, Chris Faulkner, Catherine Hannan, Chris Howard, Rob Latimer, Emma Prince, Louise Quelch, Emma Reeves, Denise Schult, Michael Schult, Matt Smith, Jackie Stoffels, Chris Thomas, Helen Thomas, Jesamy Vincent, Lesley Vought
The Love Online Band
- Reeds Geoff Knaggs
- Synth Tim Newbury
- Guitar Andrew Smith
- Bass Matt Begg
- Drums Julian Brown
Behind The Scenes
- Producer and choreographer Kim Antell
- Musical Director Andy Milburn
- Assistant Musical Director Fiona Wilson
- Assistant Choreographer Denise Schult
- Production Team Sara El-Hanfy, Louise Quelch, Chris Reeves
- Stage Manager John Simmonds
- Deputy Stage Manager Nigel Antell
- Assistant Stage Manager John Radley
- Stage Crew Joe Daniels, Lindsay Simmonds
- Lighting Designer Kim Hollamby
- Lighting Programmer and Operator Rebecca Simons
- Lighting Equipment Dinrino Theatre Services and Kim Hollamby
- Sound Designer Chris Dinsey
- Sound Operator Ian Reeves
- Sound Assistant Louis Martin
- Sound Equipment Dinrino Theatre Services
- Prompt Anne Lowder
- Props Kirsty Darbourn, Sandra Faulkner, Lindsay Simmonds and Chris Reeves
- Wardrobe Designer Amanda Bretney
- Wardrobe Supervisor Emma Reeves
- Wardrobe Team Amanda Bretney, Olivia Bretney and Emma Reeves
- Makeup Designer Kerry Woodley
- Makeup Team Olivia Bretney, Laura Schult and Kerry Woodley
- Hair and Wigs Catherine Hannan and Valda Hull
- Acting Coach Viv Cox
- Displays Denise Schult
- Webmasters Nigel Antell and Brian Bretney
- Online Ticket Sales Brian Bretney and Louise Quelch
- Original Artwork Gary Phillips
- Programme Design Jessamy Vincent
- Publicity Team Sara El-Hanfy, Emma Prince, Louise Quelch, Denise Schult, Helen Thomas and Jessamy Vincent
- Publicity Printing Volume
- Banner Printing Print Wise
- Photography Ray Wilmott
- Scenery Design Nigel Wilson
- Scenery Painting Olivia Bretney, Hilary Latimer, Andy Milburn, Laura Schult and members of the society
- Fundraising Team Helen Gordon, Rob Latimer, Michael Schult and Kerry Woodley
- Social Team Stephen Cox, Catherine Hannan, Chris Reeves and Emma Reeves
- Ticket Officer Anne Jones
- Front of House Manager John Jones
- Front of House Co-Ordinator Michael Schult
- Bar Manager Stephen Cox
- Refreshments Manager Lucy Hutson
- Front of House Team Sam Blake, Olivia Bretney, Patrick Bretney, Wendy Carne, Helen Eggleton, Lynne Furnell, Robert Furnell, Chris Goodchild, Helen Gordon, Dan Groves, Lynn Harrison, Jenny Jackson, Daniel Johnson, Bob Lazenby, Pat Long, Robert Mair, Rachel Masters, Robert Nel, James Peedell, Stuart Pope, Chris Reeves, Justin Simons, Gordon Wyard and Susan Wyard.
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