We welcome new members to our friendly musical theatre company, whether you want to perform on stage, would like to assist with a wide range of back-stage roles or take part in our social events.
The Sainsbury Singers produces two main musical shows each year and also performs in local concerts. Rehearsals are on Monday and Wednesday evenings in Southcote, Reading and we also hold regular social events including organised visits to leading West End shows with the advantage of coach travel and heavily discounted tickets. It’s all a great way to make new friends.

If you want to appear on stage the process is not onerous. Simply come along to a rehearsal or two to get to know us and, when you are ready, perform a private audition comprised of singing a piece of your choice and reading/acting a very short set piece. You can read more information about rehearsals here. Read more about opportunities backstage and front of house here.
If you are interested in joining the society in any way please get in touch with us membership@sainsburysingers.org.uk