The Sainsbury Singers presented My Fair Lady on 1-5 November 2005 at The Hexagon Theatre, Reading.
Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle is plucked from Covent Garden by Professor Henry Higgins, a phonetician. She wants elocution lessons in order to better herself and become an assistant in a florist shop.
Higgins sees her as an opportunity to prove a theory to fellow linguist, Colonel Pickering. He wagers that by teaching Eliza to speak like a lady, he can present her into high society at any function he chooses. Eliza’s father, Alfred P. Doolittle, an opportunistic dustman, hears of his daughter’s change of situation and attempts to cash in on it.
Eliza is swept along as a pawn in the game. What is to become of her, when the bet is over? One of the most distinguished and best loved musicals of all time. Every number is instantly memorable:
Why Can’t the English?
Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?
On the Street Where You Live
With a Little Bit of Luck
I’m an Ordinary Man
Just You Wait
The Rain in Spain
I Could Have Danced All Night
Ascot Gavotte
On the Street Where You Live
You Did It!
Show Me
Get Me to the Church on Time
Without You
A Hymn to Him
I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face
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