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The Sainsbury Singers blog

Latest news from our productions and other activities

The Sainsbury Singers blog

MiD Cast (3 of 6)

Interview with Patrick Naylor

Patrick has a long and illustrious background in music, but as this is his first show as Musical Director for Sainsbury Singers we took an opportunity to find out more…

Interview with Catherine Hannan

As a long-standing and award-winning onstage performer with the Sainsbury Singers, Catherine Hannan makes her directorial debut in our forthcoming production, Made in Dagenham. We sat down with her to…
Svetlana and Anatoly

Checkmates: Meet Anatoly and Svetlana

In just three weeks, we’ll be back in the Hexagon to perform Chess. Steve Jewell and Emma Reeves, who play Anatoly and Svetlana, shared their thoughts on the show and…

Checkmates: Meet Frederick and Florence

In May 2022, the Sainsbury Singers will finally be performing Chess at The Hexagon, Reading. We caught up with Chris Reeves and Lorraine Cox, who play Frederick and Florence, on…

Free Colouring Activities!

Bored at home? Need something to do during isolation? Our mascot Frank has embarked on his very own series of adventures – available now to download and colour in!
guys and dolls blog 2

A Guy and Doll blog #2

 Meet Nathan Detroit (Steve Cox) So our first rehearsal, Wendy – our producer – gives us a summary of her vision for the show and each of the characters and…
guys and dolls blog 1

A Guy and a Doll #1

 Meet Sky Masterson   My name is Matt and I play the role of Sky Masterson, a gambler who makes a bet that he can take any woman to Havana.…